Thursday, February 12, 2009

SITE 4: Zion Road: Sweetser owned land south of Zion Road – app. 5 acres.

Existing Status and Management Needs: This is a very interesting site because it is small and surrounded by a densely populated residential area, yet has and extremely high quality prairie plant community. Big bluestem, little bluestem and Indiangrass are the dominant grasses, and the abundance of rattlesnake master (Eryngium yuccifolium) is a unique feature. This plant is a very odd member of the Carrot family that resembles a yucca or some other desert plant. However, it is a true tallgrass prairie species with a unique appearance. In previous times, Native Americans used the dried seedheads of rattlesnake master as rattles. Pioneers thought the roots could be used as an effective antidote to rattlesnake bites, hence the common name of this plant. However, this belief was erroneous.

The W/P/SS should contact the landowner to provide guidance about site management, and inquire about getting seeds from mature plants, and or digging and transplanting specimens, for use in restoration activities at other sites.

SITE 6: World Peace Wetland Prairie Park (and adjacent tract) north of 15th Street at 1121 South Duncan Avenue.

Existing Status and Management Needs: World Peace Wetland Prairie is a small city-owned nature park at 1121 South Duncan Avenue in Fayetteville, Arkansas. The land includes wetland prairie and savanna with rich, black soil and a mixture of hundreds of native plants typical of many similar areas being cleared for development all over Northwest Arkansas. Although small in size, it hosts an extremely diverse community of flora and fauna. It has served as a model for what can be achieved by volunteers who participate in the site management.

The adjacent Pinnacle Foods Prairie is west of World Peace Wetland Prairie and may be seen from the end of West 12th St.

Aubrey, can you please elaborate on this and provide pics? It is only fair that you do this because you know this site better than anyone and have put your own sweat into it.

More information about the site can be found at:

SITE 7: University of Arkansas Farm on Garland savanna & grassland fields.

Existing Status and Management Needs: This site of undetermined acreage appears to be a remnant savanna and prairie grassland area. The W/P/SS has not made a detailed site visit, and little is known about the property use and management. The W/P/SS should contact the U of A to see if they could use the area as an educational demonstration project for ecological restoration.


Community needs: It has been obvious to the W/P/SS that there is a common lack of public knowledge about the endangerment and need for management of vanishing Wetland/Prairie/Savanna ecosystems in Northwest Arkansas. Even those who do care about preserving and managing these ecosystems on their own land, know very little about vegetation management. Bruce Shackleford is in the process of developing the “Prairie Stewardship Network” as a hyperlink to the Woolsey Wet Prairie website. This site will include published articles from ecological restoration journals to educate the public about ecosystem restoration and vegetation management tools. Individuals will also be able to make inquiries about management issues via email.

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